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I have lived in my own bubble cushioned by my feminist, Afropop, LGBT+ views. up to now, i have lived within whining distance of people with my same skin color, music taste and sexuality. I have recently found myself in a small town, in a house with four people from places different from mine. Don't get me wrong, an Australian of Italian bloodline, a British couple who have been friends eight years and a South African Brit are lovely housemates. I am more worried about the crazy African opinionated housemate I am. In short, these four people have schooled me on humility.

In that order, is the vegetarian who fell out of her wagon. She is always on the phone with someone or cleaning after us in her skirts and halfway shirts, much to my delight of course. And then there is the beard boyfriend who sits silently nodding and smiling, occasionally interjecting, always with something funny. His girlfriend listens with her eyes. She is practiced in the art of conversation and it never gets boring, especially when she sings Moana. Then there is the music junkie. If you bled him out, it would create a mix tape of all the weird music he listens to. He is adorable, a man after my own alcoholic heart. This queer collection live in the Crack house with me.

We spend some time together, mostly for the impromptu drinking and smoking sprees we enjoy where our conversations quickly hop from bees (the most random shit) to weather and back to the vegetarian lifestyle and finally to spurring. This is the type of life I had always wanted; To come back home to amazing people. It might sound like paradise but we also have uncomfortable silences, awkward moments and recently we had a naked-while-parents-came-over moment. It has been hard for me to adjust to everything. The food around is different, their accents pass me by, and their conversation is new ground for me. For the most part i participate, and sometimes I sink to the background and get schooled hardcore. For example, we are now listening to a mix of Chris Brown and the Catfish and the Bottlemen. Growth


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